
EOFire on Alexa

John Lee Dumas is the host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, an award winning podcast where he interviews Entrepreneurs who are truly ON FIRE 7-days a week. Over the past 10 years JLD has interviewed over 3700 Entrepreneurs to the tune of over 130 million total listens. Entrepreneurs on Fire generates over 2 million listens a month, seven-figures of annual revenue, and JLD is just getting started. Connect with JLD at
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EOFire on Alexa









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Now displaying: August, 2023
Aug 31, 2023

Mason Taylor, SuperFeast CEO/Founder & renowned tonic herbalist has helped thousands globally discover medicinal mushrooms & adaptogenic herbs, & shares his healing philosophy through workshops, podcasts & evolutionary business leadership.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. The core role of the CEO is guarding that evolutionary purpose. The team then comes in and animate roles and animate that purpose and animate the body of the business so it can fulfill its purpose.

2. The reason why we want to be growing on wood is because when you get a mushroom eating its natural food source, which is wood and dead wood, it's going to be have higher levels of these compounds, these immunological modulating compounds like such as beta glucans.

3. These mushrooms and these herbs are so incredible at fortifying the Constitution, fortifying your capacity to regulate your nervous system, your hormonal system your immune system massively.

30 Days of JING is here! Get off stimulants and caffeine and get on the JING! Visit Mason’s website and consume his contents - Super Feast


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Aug 30, 2023

Coulter Lewis is the CEO and Founder of Sunday, who, after being disappointed with the lack of natural solutions on the market, set out to create yard care products that were easy-to use and safe for family, pets and the planet.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Try to understand the customer and the history, hear what's happened and then start to work towards what can we do differently.

2. Know that you're not going to have the answer point right away, but just be willing to explore it, unpack it and give it some time for you to get that clarity.

3. Being willing to just slog forward when things are rough is what it takes especially in the early stages when it's really challenging.

Visit and check out the tech they developed so you can get instant analysis of your yard and try to put together a really good solution for you - Sunday


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Thrivetime Show Is this your year? Visit to see how Clay Clark’s business coaching has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to dramatically increase profitability

Aug 29, 2023

Tim Vogel is a seed planter. He loves helping people and businesses grow. His favorite question… What’s your superpower? When people work with their natural genius, they deliver their best results — it’s that simple. As an entrepreneur and CEO, he has an extensive background in management, customer service, innovation, and starting and running companies.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. When you get into franchising, it offers all kinds of really viable pathways to those two outcomes that you want, which is freedom and abundance.

2. When we hire someone from a large organization to bring them into an entrepreneurial organization, you’ll find that there's an unfounded confidence and it's because there's a bunch of invisible systems behind the scenes that are helping them operate successfully.

3. One big challenge with buying a business is the cash outlay. Oftentimes it's a huge investment up front which takes quite a while for that return on investment to happen.

Visit Tim’s website, become a ScentHound Franchise Owner - Franchise ScentHound


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

FranBridge Many EOFire listeners have launched franchises in a variety of industries outside of food – and FranBridge Consulting has guided them to these premier opportunities! Sign up for a free consultation with Jon - or get a free copy of his book, Non-Food Franchising - at

Aug 28, 2023

Founder of Human Re Sources and talent management mogul. J Erving is a driver of culture at the intersection of music, media, sports, and technology; he has powered and helped break musical acts such as Brent Faiyaz, Pink Sweat$ and RAYE.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. You have to have something that cuts through. It could be an artist’s voice, their tone, the melodies, the lyric. But ultimately, when you find that combination of all of these and then someone has a very unique personality and persona, those are the makings of a real superstar.

2. There's no expiration date on great.

3, Put the work in. If you put in 3 times more time and hard work, there would be so much gap between the players and it would be so hard for them to catch up. You don’t always see the results straight away. Be willing to work overtime. You can’t cheat the work.

Follow J Erving on Instagram - J Erving’s Instagram


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

ZipRecruiter Four out of five employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day! Try ZipRecruiter for free today at

Aug 27, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Kara Goldin is the Founder and CEO of Hint, Inc., best known for its award-winning Hint® water, the leading unsweetened flavored water, and the author of Undaunted. She is an active speaker & writer and hosts the podcast Unstoppable with Kara Goldin where she interviews founders, entrepreneurs, and other disruptors across various industries. She lives in the Bay Area.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. You can have doubts, doubters, fears, and failures, but every successful and unsuccessful story is about a founder or an entrepreneur who is willing to try.

2. Undaunted is about trying and having the eagerness to take the risk.

3. Learn from people who have had challenges.

Order Kara's book on Amazon - Undaunted: Overcoming Doubt and Doubters


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Belay Get Belay’s Ultimate Guide to Working with a Virtual Assistant today! Just text FIRE to 55123 to get started

Aug 26, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Charley is the President of Pascal Air, Plumbing, and Electric, a home service provider in Springdale AR. They have seen tremendous growth since he acquired the business a decade ago.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Being a manager of managers means it’s no longer about you and how well you perform. It’s now about how well you can get the team to perform.

2. If you had your crap together before the pandemic, you’re doing well. If you didn't, then you’re likely struggling.

3. If employees are happy it will transfer through to the customers.

Connect with Charley via email - Charley's Email


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Aug 25, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Blake is on a mission to help 1 MILLION dads write at least one well written, meaningful, lasting Legacy Letter to their children. He has 3 amazing children with his beautiful wife Amanda.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Most fathers, especially entrepreneurial fathers, spend so much time on how to connect with their customers. Sadly, you end up not connecting with the people that you love the most.

2. A Legacy Letter could be influential in any child's life.

3. The process of writing your child a letter can make you a better person.

FREE Gift for Fire Nation! Sign up, join the challenge, and write your child a legacy letter - Legacy Letter Challenge


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Aug 24, 2023

Private equity mastermind and multi-exit entrepreneur, Branden Coluccio, teaches you how to unleash your inner savage and turn your life around when it all goes horribly wrong.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. If you are incapable of leading yourself, you are uncapable of leading your team effectively. It all starts from within us and it does not take extreme adversity.

2. Look deeply at whether or not your actions were truly in alignment with who you believe yourself to be. That process of introspection and digging really deep and trying to understand who you are, that's a difficult process. Through these moments of adversity when we are forced to find ourselves.

3. Your level of success will never exceed your level of personal development. If you're carrying around all this baggage, all of your failures, all of your insecurities, you might achieve a certain level of success, but that will most likely be temporary because you're going to self-sabotage.

Visit Branden’ Instagram, send a DM with the word SAVAGE and get a signed book called Convictions for FREE - Branden's Instagram


HubSpot: HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at!

Belay: Get Belay’s Ultimate Guide to Working with a Virtual Assistant today! Just text FIRE to 55123 to get started!

Aug 23, 2023

Nirav Sheth is the founder and CEO of Anatta. For 15 years, He has partnered with game-changing entrepreneurs who have big dreams, incredible products, and a desire to help people and the world.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. When we get to do our best work and when we are truly serving as partners, we're able to raise the overall gross margin, we're able to create growth and so when that's ROI positive every single time and you'll be able to show the results.

2. When you help a client grow and you stay deeply involved in their business as a partner, you build such a strong trust relationship with them that will carry through both on the business side and making sure that you succeed from that.

3. There is not going to be a one-size-fits-all solution for technology in any brand. There’s always going to be some nuance towards it and when you look at it from the business perspective, it really being able to obtain say how do we make this worthwhile, where does it make sense to spend money, where does it make sense to buy something versus build something.

For fast-growing DTC brands that don’t take shortcuts -


HubSpot: HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at!

Aug 22, 2023

Dr. George Morris is an evidence-based chiropractor and health coach specializing in a minimalist approach to maximizing health through proven, easy-to-implement methods.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Your health should always be a top priority, regardless of professional or financial success. True success is not defined by material possessions or a job you dislike while neglecting your well-being.

2. Understanding your current health status, goals, and strategies to achieve them empowers you to make informed decisions and advocate for your well-being.

3. Education about health is crucial for long-term success and enjoying life. Health is the foundation that makes everything else meaningful.

Learn more about how you can best care for yourself and those around you now and for the rest of your life - Rethrival Health Website


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Thrivetime Show Is this your year? Visit to see how Clay Clark’s business coaching has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to dramatically increase profitability

Aug 21, 2023

Katie Krimitsos is the Creator of the Women’s Meditation Network, a collection of 15 meditation podcasts. She’s a mom of two young girls, loves a good margarita, and wants to save all the animals in the world.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. You do not have to choose between success in your career and being there for your children. Many believe balancing both is challenging, but it is just a limiting belief.

2. Practical productivity tips include challenging beliefs, prioritizing meaningful tasks, and avoiding distractions that hinder progress.

3. Listen to yourself and create your path as an entrepreneur. While it is valuable to learn from others, it is essential to process the information and determine what resonates with you. Focus on taking action on one or two things that align with your intuition and create your unique approach to your journey.

More calm, better sleep, less anxiety and more happiness is at your fingertips with our guided meditations and sounds. All for you. All for free - Womens Meditation Network Website


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

FranBridge Many EOFire listeners have launched franchises in a variety of industries outside of food – and FranBridge Consulting has guided them to these premier opportunities! Sign up for a free consultation with Jon - or get a free copy of his book, Non-Food Franchising - at

ZipRecruiter Four out of five employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day! Try ZipRecruiter for free today at

Aug 20, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Very few coaches have walked the walk like Brodie Kern. After overcoming drug addiction, Brodie evolved into a powerful entrepreneur, successfully starting multiple 6-7 figure ventures. He has mastered his mind and body to compete in ultramarathons, and has awoken to his purpose here on Earth. Using The Mastery Method, Brodie shares his step-by-step formula for totally mastering life and business.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Business is a set of executed actions that are designed to build a system that attracts clients, closes clients, fulfills deals, and retains clients.

2. Many of are not lacking business tactics or ability. We’re simply lacking control over the moment and personal power. Business is relatively easy. Being a human being is what makes it hard.

3. You are not your story. You are not your past. You are not even the external reality you're looking at right now. You are a being who has infinite potential. If you want your future to change, it’s going to be controlled by what you do in this moment.

The Mastery Method - Discover The Next Level of Elite Performance In Your Business, Health & Relationships! (Sorry! This link was active when this episode was first published in 2020 but is no longer an active offer.)


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Aug 19, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Darius Mirshahzadeh is a Karaoke Singer, Pizza Lover, Pink Unicorn Enthusiast, Super High Growth CEO, Author of The Core Value Equation, Host of The Greatness Machine, and a modern-day Renaissance Man on Acid.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. The Invisible Scale lets you have organic and holistic organizational growth.

2. Companies do not have core values, people do.

3. Your core values have to be meaningful, need to be authentic, and they should be easy to remember.

The Core Value Equation: A Framework to Drive Results, Create Limitless Scale and Win the War for Talent - Get Darius' Book on Amazon


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Belay Get Belay’s Ultimate Guide to Working with a Virtual Assistant today! Just text FIRE to 55123 to get started

Aug 18, 2023

Every month we put together an income report to share a behind-the-scenes look at the ups and downs of running a 7-figure business. In full transparency, it’s not easy – but it IS possible. Through hearing about our mistakes, lessons learned, and our wins, we hope to inspire and motivate you to take action in your business with just one step forward every single day. For our full income report, visit, and IGNITE!

July 2023 Income At-A-Glance

Gross Income for July: $138,973

Total Expenses for July: $15,953

Total Net Profit for July: $123,020

Difference b/t July and June: -$32,698

Percentage of net profit to overall gross revenue: 89 percent


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Aug 17, 2023

Mike Kaeding dreams big, works hard, and knows his life's vision. Every minute counts, and he strives to never waste a single one. As CEO of Norhart, he leads with this philosophy for success.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Ignorance can lead to asking unique questions, exploring new perspectives, and discovering innovative approaches. Embracing ignorance can open doors to unexpected possibilities and drive significant impact.

2. Dream big and work hard; even if you do not reach the exact target, you will still surpass what you would have achieved with smaller goals.

3. The key was having the right people to make the impact we aspired to achieve. Hire the best.

Visit and experience Noharts Apartments. Creating a better way for people to live - Norhart Website


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Belay Get Belay’s Ultimate Guide to Working with a Virtual Assistant today! Just text FIRE to 55123 to get started

Aug 16, 2023

Anthros inventor Steven Dufresne & co-founder, Eric Murphy have dedicated their professional lives to using science and research to help the world fix their SIT.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Sitting is not inherently harmful, but sitting poorly without proper support can be detrimental. It is essential to prioritize good posture, supportive seating, and an active lifestyle to maintain overall well-being.

2. Anthro's design principle focuses on minimizing pain and discomfort throughout your body while sitting. Starting from the ground up, the chair is designed to prevent your feet from getting hurt, with a fixed base that moves smoothly and avoids hitting your feet.

3. Stay sharp, push for excellence, innovate whatever you're doing, and don't stop for anything less than levels 10, 11, and 12.

Visit to learn how to fix your sit and get exclusive $200 off for Fire Nation - Anthros Website


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

FranBridge Many EOFire listeners have launched franchises in a variety of industries outside of food – and FranBridge Consulting has guided them to these premier opportunities! Sign up for a free consultation with Jon - or get a free copy of his book, Non-Food Franchising - at

Ziprecruiter Four out of five employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day Try ZipRecruiter for free today at

Aug 15, 2023

Nathan Gotch is the founder of a 7-figure SEO company, Gotch SEO. SEO expertise has been featured on Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Huffington Post.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. You can achieve better results by implementing systems and focusing on your strengths rather than trying to do everything yourself.

2. To build a service-based business, having a portfolio of results is crucial.

3. The key is to provide value, establish trust, and keep giving to build a thriving SEO business.

Visit and learn how to become a top 1 percent SEO Expert - Gotch SEO Website


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Belay Get Belay’s Ultimate Guide to Working with a Virtual Assistant today! Just text FIRE to 55123 to get started

Aug 14, 2023

Chantelle Adams has delivered over 1000 speeches across the globe. As a storytelling and speaking expert, she uncovers the untold story that turns your message into a movement.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Acting with integrity and approaching situations with pure intentions, without being attached to specific outcomes, has consistently proven beneficial in the long term.

2. Your story is the key that connects your life's experiences to your life's work. It serves as the foundation for everything you do

3. By exploring the more profound significance of your story, you can find meaningful connections and bring a greater sense of purpose and impact to what you do.

Are you ready to turn your message into a movement? Visit and check out Chantelle’s website - Chantelle's Website


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Thrivetime Show Is this your year? Visit to see how Clay Clark’s business coaching has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to dramatically increase profitability

Aug 13, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Vinnie Tortorich is a best selling author of Fitness Confidential, and his Fitness Confidential podcast gets 1 million downloads per month. He is the owner of,, home of Ultra Fat products.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. If you want to build a business, go to a bank instead of asking for outside investors' help. Investors will want to have a share in your company.

2. Never think about your IQ. Your IQ does not make you successful. FQ is essential – Failure Quotient: It is the number of times you can fail and come back.

3. Keep failing until you don't fall anymore.

Introducing Ultra Fat: The world's first instant energy fuel, powered by healthy fats and balanced electrolytes - NSNG Foods


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Lifeforce Lifeforce is making proactive and personalized healthcare easier than ever. Start your membership today and receive $200 off! Visit


Aug 12, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Eric Rea is the co-founder and CEO of Podium, the messaging platform for businesses.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. A lot of businesses don’t show up when we search for them online even if they had been in business for decades.

2. Don’t let a couple of opinions weigh you. Back up your own intuition with the data of your business.

3. There’s always people trying to compete with you. If you’re not innovating and not taking your leaps of faith, you’re not going to scale your business.

Free, easy-to-use messaging tools. Start using Podium for FREE today - Podium Starter


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Belay Get Belay’s Ultimate Guide to Working with a Virtual Assistant today! Just text FIRE to 55123 to get started

Aug 11, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Connor Nemetz is a dad, husband, triathlete, salesperson… and now an entrepreneur. Faced with letting his fitness slide, he designed the Breakaway Bike to crush his fitness goals – and yours as well.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Passion is the product of purpose.

2. Planning the processes is essential.

3. Once you have that idea, break your goals up into small manageable chunks, and check them off one by one.

The World’s first portable / stow away stationary bike - The Breakaway Bike on Instagram


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Lifeforce Lifeforce is making proactive and personalized healthcare easier than ever. Start your membership today and receive $200 off! Visit


Aug 10, 2023

Amber Miller, aka The Delegation Diva, is a product launch manager and advisor for online entrepreneurs running 6 and 7-figure businesses.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Incorporate the parts that you like that others are doing and take out what you think is too much and go with what feels good to you, but don't let it stop you from putting out your product or program.

2. Measure the sales conversion. It sounds simple, but you need to keep your pulse on these numbers daily.

3. When we think in terms of a detailed plan or a plan at all, we go right into overwhelm. This is actually the most overlooked part of launching, and it's where it can take you from calm to chaotic in seconds.

Generate more leads. Increase your sales. Enjoy the launch. Get you advice and management to ensure a remarkable launch - Remarkable Launches


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Belay Get Belay’s Ultimate Guide to Working with a Virtual Assistant today! Just text FIRE to 55123 to get started

Aug 9, 2023

Ginni Saraswati is the founder and owner of Ginni Media, host of the multi award-nominated podcast The Ginni Show, creator of Pod Pops, and an influential voice in business leadership.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. The magic can come sometimes in the mundane and it can come in forms of silence when we're still and as we were.

2. Revisit your business and visit how are you communicating your values personally and the values of your business to your team.

3. Rather than striving for balance, strive for being aligned with your values and that feeling of harmony. Harmony is when you're combining all of the elements you love, like family, business, hobbies, and interests, and find ways for them to complement each other.

Checkout Ginni's Website - Ginni Media


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

NetSuite Take advantage of their special financing offer today! Defer payments of a full NetSuite implementation for six months - no interest, no payments. Visit to get the visibility and control you need to weather any storm

Aug 8, 2023

Jon Morrow is the CEO of Smart Blogger, the largest writing website in the world. He is also the author of AI Writer: Write 100X Faster with ChatGPT.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Becoming an entrepreneur is like a bamboo shoot growing from the ground. Use intensely vivid language and create an atmosphere of excitement. Use rhetorical language, informal language, make it conversational and style to create an intense sense of engagement with the reader.

2. People think that if something is faster, you get paid less. If you produce the same value in less time, you make more money.

3. What AI is going to replace is the processor. AI will not replace the painter, but the paintbrush.

Get a copy of Jon’s book for just $1 - AI Writer: Use ChatGPT to Write 100x Faster


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Shopify Shopify is the commerce platform revolutionizing millions of businesses worldwide! Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at

Aug 7, 2023

Uyi Abraham came to America with only $100 and a suitcase of clothes and founded, the first black owned all-in-one software for entrepreneurs and creators to create and sell online courses and easily grow their business online.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. This is the best time to launch a business online. You just need to teach your knowledge, your story or your expertise.

2. The secret to everybody's success is in pain, frustration or something that they really feel like they can add value to or change.

3. Right now, we are seeing a big shift from just courses to community. We're seeing that people want more than courses. They want hand-holding, they want community, they want to network, they want to do live business entrepreneurship with likeminded people.

Vonza is the fast and easy way to create and sell online courses, products, coaching, memberships, funnels and more. Keep your online business simple and all-in-one place - Vonza


HubSpot HubSpot’s integrated AI tech is helping teams of all types and sizes automate the more tedious parts of running a business. Learn more and get started today at

Belay Get Belay’s Ultimate Guide to Working with a Virtual Assistant today! Just text FIRE to 55123 to get started

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