John Lee Dumas has said it many times before when asked "what makes a winning podcast?" His response? Create a unique show, and ask your guests questions listeners won't hear on any other podcast interviews. Today's episode isn't John interviewing a guest. Today's episode is John being interviewed by Samuel Donner, host of the Finding Founders podcast. Tune in to hear a truly entertaining and engaging podcast episode - plus learn things you never knew about JLD!
Top 3 Value Bombs:
1. Real winners are being born by finding the underserved niche and creating unique products, services, offerings, podcasts, and content that doesn't currently exist.
2. Find your path to initial traction, and make the best solution to a real problem.
3. Don't be afraid to take a leap of faith.
Visit and learn more about Samuel Donor and his team! Listen to podcasts and connect with them - Finding Founders