
EOFire on Alexa

John Lee Dumas is the host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, an award winning podcast where he interviews Entrepreneurs who are truly ON FIRE 7-days a week. Over the past 10 years JLD has interviewed over 3700 Entrepreneurs to the tune of over 130 million total listens. Entrepreneurs on Fire generates over 2 million listens a month, seven-figures of annual revenue, and JLD is just getting started. Connect with JLD at
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EOFire on Alexa








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Now displaying: July, 2023
Jul 31, 2023

Rich Moyer is a PGA Professional turned Serial Entrepreneur who started his first company at 25. Since then he has owned, operated, exited and acquired companies and is currently franchising one across the country.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. While these purposes may vary among individuals, pursuing money is merely a means of keeping track, not the ultimate goal.

2. It is crucial to create an environment where employees are comfortable with making mistakes and learning from them.

3. Taking action is crucial to leave corporate America or start a business. Instead of just reading books or contemplating how to do it, planning and going for it is essential.

Check out and join one of the fastest-growing taprooms on the market - Hoppin Brands Franchising


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Factor: America’s #1 Ready-To-Eat Meal Kit delivered straight to your door! Head to and use the code eofire50 to get 50 percent off!

ZipRecruiter Get your job noticed by the best and brightest candidates - with ZipRecruiter! Go to this exclusive web address to try ZipRecruiter for free:

Jul 30, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Mr. Brown is responsible for the federal, state, and local public and government relations for TuSimple. Working with legislators and regulators on best practices for safety, commercial viability, and policies. He works on building coalitions of industry, OEMs, Tier 1 providers, associations, and academics in the autonomous vehicle industry. Prior to TuSimple, he worked for the state of California, was Vice President at the Mitchell Firm, taught at Oxford University and University of California, San Diego.

Jon Panzer is the Senior Vice President of Technology & Strategic Planning at the Union Pacific Railroad. Jon has been an influential leader across UP for the last 24 years.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. The transportation industry isn’t as exciting as technology and aerospace. There’s a lot of technology involved, movement, and being more sophisticated with e-commerce as consumers demand an interest change.

2. Get excited about automation. Be open minded. Realize that it is not tomorrow - change is incremental. As we go on in our lives, there will be more automated kiosks and robots in the streets. Automation is here. As a country and as a society, it is key to keep us moving forward.

3. Logistics is about getting goods to where they need to be. It’s from the beginning of the manufacturing process to warehousing and then distribution to stores and e-commerce where people make a purchase. Logistics makes sure that all of that happens behind the scenes without hiccups.

Connect with Robert on LinkedIn - Robert's LinkedIn


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Thrivetime Show Is this your year? Visit to see how Clay Clark’s business coaching has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to dramatically increase profitability

Jul 29, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Derek Leathers is the Vice Chairman, President and CEO of Werner Enterprises, a global industry leader. Leathers has over 29 years of experience in the transportation and logistics industry.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Have an internal commitment to continuous learning and be open-minded - ask for feedback from other people.

2. Be hardworking in any business you go into, focus on how many complicated problems you can solve, be visible, foster relationships with people who genuinely care about you, and learn from them and spend time with them.

3. Recognize acceptable risks and take them.

Connect with Derek on LinkedIn - Derek's LinkedIn


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Jul 28, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Lisa Johnson helps business owners add semi-passive income streams to their lives so that they can work less but earn more. She's also a Mum of 8 year old twins and lives in the UK.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. You need a semi-passive and passive income streams to help you earn while focusing on your other duties and responsibilities.

2. It is acceptable to make mistakes because you can learn from them.

3. Even if you are not yet sure of what you are going to do for your passive income stream, start building an audience as early as possible.

Take the quiz to identify your focus areas and start your passive or semi-passive income journey today - Cash Calculator Quiz


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Jul 27, 2023

Jason Ray is CEO of Paperless Parts, the platform designed to help manufacturers to grow their business. He became determined to solve problems plaguing the industry while serving in the Navy.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Success ultimately boils down to hard work and the determination to outwork others.

2. To achieve success, it is essential to embody resilience. When faced with obstacles, be determined to rise again and keep pushing forward.

3. Take a moment to observe your surroundings—the objects in your physical world. Manufacturing is behind every single item, from your desk to the phone in your hand. It fuels the US and global economy.

Learn more about the #1 estimating & quoting software for manufacturing - Paperless Parts Website


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Lifeforce Lifeforce is making proactive and personalized healthcare easier than ever. Start your membership today and receive $200 off! Visit


Jul 26, 2023

Jon Ostenson is a top 1 percent Franchise Broker, Consultant, Investor, and Author of the book 'Non-Food Franchising'. He draws on his experience as a former Inc. 500 Franchise President and Multi-Brand Franchisee in serving his clients. He is a frequent contributor on Franchising for Forbes, Inc., Bloomberg and The Franchise Journal.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. One overlooked aspect of success is focusing on stewardship and family legacy.

2. When advising early-stage entrepreneurs, he believes there are three key aspects to consider: mindset, talent, and investment criteria.

3. People are crucial to any business, whether the individuals you hire or the franchisor you partner with.

You know where you want to be… We’ll help you get there. Receive free copy of Jon’s new book – NON-Food Franchising, and book a call - FranBridge Consulting Website


HubSpot: HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Jul 25, 2023

Emily Griffith is a graphic designer turned food entrepreneur running Lil Bucks, America's buckwheat brand making gluten free superfood snacks, called Clusterbucks, from sustainably grown U.S.A. buckwheat.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Get someone to help hold you accountable and call you out, and create boundaries to do what's needed to happen, and to stop being burned out.

2. Take a step back and give yourself more space so that you're not resenting something you normally love.

3. Accept burnout, that you're not at the top of your game.

Crunchy x Paleo Snacks & Toppings made from your new fave superfood, Sprouted Buckwheat. Use the code EOFIRE to get 20 percent off - Lil Bucks


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

FranBridge Many EOFire listeners have launched franchises in a variety of industries outside of food – and FranBridge Consulting has guided them to these premier opportunities! Sign up for a free consultation with Jon - or get a free copy of his book, Non-Food Franchising - at

Jul 24, 2023

Israel David Duran is the Impact Architect and founder of Millionaire Mindset group. Empowering entrepreneurs to discover, design and deliver their gifts to the world to create generational impact and wealth.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. In reality, you don't owe anybody anything. But paying it forward is really where the generational impact mindset comes from.

2. The mindset of being comfortable and not having the willingness to go forward, continue to serve, and to serve the people that were called to serve is really the mistake that people make. It’s the inaction.

3. The mindset of being comfortable and not having the willingness to go forward, continue to serve, and to serve the people that were called to serve is really the mistake that people make. It’s the inaction.

Increase Performance. Productivity. Profit. Empowering Purpose-Driven Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Companies Achieve Exponential Growth - Israel Duran's Website


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Lifeforce Lifeforce is making proactive and personalized healthcare easier than ever. Start your membership today and receive $200 off! Visit


Jul 23, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

KhaazRa MaaRanu is the co-founder of Electronic Commerce, now a Full Service Payment Provider that helps thousands of entrepreneurs grow and scale their business to unlimited processing.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Understand that there’s someone out there who wants to build a long-term relationship with you. They want to help you grow your business, and be in business for the long haul — one way to do that is by knowing your numbers.

2. One of the most important things for any entrepreneur is to know the 5 cash flow secrets. One of them is knowing your numbers. If you don’t know your numbers, you don’t know your business.

3. As a full payment service provider, KhaazRa's team knows what they need to do in order to really serve their clients properly: be in control of the actual underwriting, risk, funding, and the tech.

Electronic Commerce - For a limited time you can sign up for a 15 minute call to compare credit card transaction and processing fees! (Sorry! This link was active when this episode was first published in 2019 but is no longer an active offer.)


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Aiper Seagull Pro is Aiper’s most advanced cordless, robotic pool cleaner and is available right now for $899.99 at Use code EOFire200 at checkout for $200 off

Jul 22, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Pat is the founder of The Table Group and author of 12 best-selling books including The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and The Advantage. He is considered one of the nations leading experts on leadership, teamwork, and organizational health. And he is here today to talk about his newest model The Six Types of Working Genius.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Nobody should feel bad about wanting to use their God-given talent. We’re here to serve others by using the talents we have. Instead of feeling guilty about it, lean into it. You are meant to do that. Pursue your geniuses.

2. When you figure out what your working genius and working frustrations are, it can change your career and your life.

3. Doing things outside of your working genius exhaust you, so it's best to limit the amount of exposure to those.

Enter promo code FIRE and get 50 percent off of Pat’s products - Pat's Website


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Thrivetime Show Is this your year? Visit to see how Clay Clark’s business coaching has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to dramatically increase profitability

Jul 21, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Rachael Doukas is the founder of Doukas Media and specializes in generating online marketing success for companies in industries that tend to underestimate the power of digital advertising.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Understand who you’re marketing to. Know their needs and how to help them. Make your campaigns about them in order to develop trust.

2. Dig deep in your campaigns and see who you’re reaching and what you’re communicating to them.

3. Consistent branding, re-marketing techniques, and understanding your audience can build trust through Facebook ads.

Want to Grow Your Business in a Predictable and Scalable Manner? Apply for a Free 30-Minute Discovery Call - Rachael’s Website


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Jul 20, 2023

Antonio Nieves is the founder of FUNBOX, the franchisor brand of the world's biggest bounce park. With a background in marketing, tourism, and technology, he strives to provide interactive experiences that promote physical activity and exploration.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. To be able to start building a profitable franchise you have to bleed for a while.

2. An entrepreneur can look at when they're trying to improve an old-fashioned industry that just doesn't have enough appeal to it is just encouraging a layer of culture in brand into the process.

3. All you have to do is just wake up every day, continually educate yourself, lock yourself in with mentors, a community around you. Be vulnerable about your position, and let people know when you need help, and the journey you can find can happen pretty quickly.

Connect with Antonio - Antonio's Email


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Lifeforce Lifeforce is making proactive and personalized healthcare easier than ever. Start your membership today and receive $200 off! Visit


Jul 19, 2023

Tricia Sciortino is the CEO of one of the nation's leading virtual assistant companies, BELAY. She is the author of Rise Up & Lead Well: How Leveraging as Assistant Will Change Your Life & Maximize Your Time. She also co-hosts the One Next Step podcast and believes we own our journey, we take risks, and we rise up!

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. As we grow our business, we really need to figure out what it means to not hoard all the work and accept that you must have all these different hats, and you are the sole person to spin all these plates at the same time.

2. Trust doesn't need to be earned, give it away until people prove you otherwise.

3. In order to elevate you need to delegate.

Your Best Next Hire. Accomplish more. Juggle less. Modern staffing from BELAY - Belay Solutions


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Jul 18, 2023

Emily Lynn Paulson is a Writer, TEDx speaker, Founder of Sober Mom Squad, and Author of Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. MLMs prey on hope, the hope that you could be that small percentage of people who succeed. They also amplify the stories of the people at the top, so, it seems like the success is more widely available than it really is.

2. Everybody who is in an MLM is a victim before they come become a perpetrator. It's the system that's flawed, not people.

3. Just ask questions, don't judge, but try and get that critical thinking to come back online. If you want to be supportive of your friends or family who are in these schemes, the best way to be supportive is by being a soft place to land.

Visit Emily’s website - Emily Lynn Paulson Website


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Lifeforce Lifeforce is making proactive and personalized healthcare easier than ever. Start your membership today and receive $200 off! Visit

Aiper Seagull Pro is Aiper’s most advanced cordless, robotic pool cleaner and is available right now for $899.99 at Use code EOFire200 at checkout for $200 off

Jul 17, 2023

Lisa Odenweller is Founder and CEO of Kroma Wellness, the functional wellness brand that’s revolutionizing the way we think about nourishing our bodies. She is passionate about health and wellness and encourages others to live a life where they can thrive with food rather than feel deprived. A San Diego native, Lisa is a wellness visionary and serial entrepreneur with over 15-years of experience, having previously founded organic superfood cafe, BEAMING Wellness.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. The vision and mission of a business are crucial, but they can get lost in the day-to-day operations and financial focus.

2. When customers have a positive experience, they become advocates who willingly spread the word to their friends.

3. When starting a company, passion, conviction, and tenacity are essential.

Unlock Unlimited 5-day Reset Refills and Get $160 Savings When You Purchase a 5-day Deluxe Reset - Kroma Wellness Website


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

FranBridge Many EOFire listeners have launched franchises in a variety of industries outside of food – and FranBridge Consulting has guided them to these premier opportunities! Sign up for a free consultation with Jon - or get a free copy of his book, Non-Food Franchising - at

ZipRecruiter Get your job noticed by the best and brightest candidates - with ZipRecruiter! Go to this exclusive web address to try ZipRecruiter for free:

Jul 16, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Scott Lynn is a serial tech entrepreneur who has been collecting art for over 20 years. He brings his passion for tech and art together with

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Alternative assets are a good way to diversify a portfolio and increase overall returns of a portfolio.

2. Achieving financial independence means a well-diversified portfolio with asset classes that have competitive terms to other asset classes.

3. As long as you are able to wait several years to recognize your returns, it can be a great way to diversify your portfolio for financial independence.

You’re invited to join an exclusive community investing in blue-chip art - just tell them you're a part of Fire Nation -


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Jul 15, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Tom Telesco is a High Performance Coach, Author & Keynote Speaker. He also has the privilege  of being a member of the teaching faculty with his wife Tonya for John Maxwell's Global Leadership Company, where he is able to speak into the lives and equip over 35,000 people in 100+ countries within that organization. His passion is working with entrepreneurs and leaders on strategic planning and execution to help you CHAMPION YOUR LIFE!

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Your dream is worthy of you, and it is waiting for you to show up.

2. Your past patterns of behavior or your cycles of success can give you great clues as to what you could do next.

3. Reviewing the Tale Of The Tape is important because you can use the comparative index to take a look, and evaluate your position in the champion progression path.

Join Now To Get Free Access To The 5-Day CHAMPION YOUR LIFE Challenge - Champion Your Life Challenge


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Lifeforce Lifeforce is making proactive and personalized healthcare easier than ever. Start your membership today and receive $200 off! Visit


Jul 14, 2023

Every month we put together an income report to share a behind-the-scenes look at the ups and downs of running a 7-figure business. In full transparency, it’s not easy – but it IS possible. Through hearing about our mistakes, lessons learned, and our wins, we hope to inspire and motivate you to take action in your business with just one step forward every single day. For our full income report, visit, and IGNITE!

June 2023 Income At-A-Glance

Gross Income for June: $166,055

Total Expenses for June: $10,337

Total Net Profit for June: $155,718

Difference b/t June & May: +$1,490

% of net profit to overall gross revenue: 94%


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Thrivetime Show Is this your year? Visit to see how Clay Clark’s business coaching has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to dramatically increase profitability

Jul 13, 2023

Ryan Caswell is the founder of, a company that helps businesses find new clients through LinkedIn.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Finding your passion, solving a problem, and excelling at it. When these three things align, you discover your niche, sweet spot, and unique value. This convergence is the catalyst for success.

2. LinkedIn is a powerful strategy for generating leads and growing your business.

3. Take action and initiate conversations without fear.

Visit, and get FREE training on how to generate leads and clients - Ryan's Youtube Channel


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Lifeforce Lifeforce is making proactive and personalized healthcare easier than ever. Start your membership today and receive $200 off! Visit

Aiper Seagull Pro is Aiper’s most advanced cordless, robotic pool cleaner and is available right now for $899.99 at Use code EOFire200 at checkout for $200 off

Jul 12, 2023

Brigham Dallas is the founder of Hello Sugar, a Brazilian Wax & Sugar concept where he owns 14 locations in Phoenix and leads one of the fastest growing franchises in the business with 67 opened units in just 1.5 years. His leadership in the franchise industry is contrarian and unorthodox. Some say he’s crazy, others say he’s a trailblazer… in this podcast we will explore some of his most radical ideas and get to the bottom of it once and for all.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. To achieve success and prevent overwhelm, remove yourself from the business’s daily operations and implement systems that allow you to delegate tasks and focus on the broader goals.

2. Marketing efforts should be tracked and tracked to revenue generation.

3. When building a business, it is crucial to select strategic partners carefully.

Feel confidently smooth. Visit and learn more about how to franchise Hello Sugar - Hello Sugar


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

NetSuite Take advantage of their special financing offer today! Defer payments of a full NetSuite implementation for six months - no interest, no payments. Visit to get the visibility and control you need to weather any storm

Jul 11, 2023

Dr. Noah St. John is known as The Father of AFFORMATIONS and The Mental Health Coach to The Stars. He's the author of 20 books including his NEW book, The 7-Figure Expert: The Ultimate Playbook for Building a High-Ticket Expert Business. Working with Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure company CEOs, and professional athletes, He also appears frequently in the news worldwide, including ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Entrepreneur and SUCCESS Magazine.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Focus on one or more of those five areas—your beliefs, habits, offers, funnels and traffic. to Follow the steps so that you take out your head trash. And then you do have to master your outer game, too.

2. One of the mistakes that we’re not focusing on are those high-ticket items and offers. Everything starts with your offer.

3. Highly successful people are doing things unconsciously that they're not even aware that they're doing.

Get Noah’s book for FREE! - 7 Figure Expert Book


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

FranBridge Many EOFire listeners have launched franchises in a variety of industries outside of food – and FranBridge Consulting has guided them to these premier opportunities! Sign up for a free consultation with Jon - or get a free copy of his book, Non-Food Franchising - at

Jul 10, 2023

Daniel Bessmert began his career as an executive at Citibank, PayPal, and Visa before starting his own companies. He has built and sold three companies and is currently scaling, which simplifies work for business owners by combining banking, payments, and accounting.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Success is independent of waking up at 4 am, taking ice-cold baths, having fancy diplomas, or chasing other people's money. These factors are optional for achieving success.

2. The key is navigating the options and selecting the most modern and suitable apps.

3. Direct your focus toward what brings you joy and passion. Find a reliable partner, such as Great Week or AI, to handle mundane tasks like managing expense receipts and chasing invoices on your behalf. You can achieve great success and fulfillment in your business endeavors by prioritizing your happiness and doing what you love.

Do more of what you love and less of the boring stuff. Visit and sign up for a FREE account - Great Week Website


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Factor America’s number 1 Ready-To-Eat Meal Kit delivered straight to your door! Head to and use the code eofire50 to get 50 percent off

ZipRecruiter Get your job noticed by the best and brightest candidates - with ZipRecruiter! Go to this exclusive web address to try ZipRecruiter for free:

Jul 9, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Amith is the founder of - a company that makes it incredibly easy for any business to send a great newsletter. is a platform that is easy to use and automates the steps in creating a newsletter to allow anyone to send a fantastic newsletter on a frequent basis. In addition to making it easy, uses AI to personalize the content for every reader automatically, which results in much better performance.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. The problem companies have today, no matter your brand, is that people forget you. It’s extremely easy in the world we live in today to be forgotten.

2. Curation is getting the best possible content together - not just about your product or your company - but also circles surrounding your topic.

3. Every business needs to be connected on a high frequency basis or else you’ll be forgotten. – Visit Amith’s website for his special offer for Fire Nation! (Sorry! This link was active when this episode was first published in 2019 but is no longer an active offer.)


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Jul 8, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Building and protecting wealth has been a life-long pursuit for Jude H. Wilson. Through his guidance, he has provided his clients with the clarity and direction needed to successfully achieve their definition of financial freedom. Jude has earned an MBA and his Certified Wealth Strategist (CWS®) designation.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. The higher the rates go, the lower your ability to create a better life for yourself and your family.

2. You should have a complete financial plan.

3. Taxes are currently on sale; you should be moving money from dollars that will always be taxed to dollars that will never be taxed.

The Entrepreneur Action Plan - 5 Tips to Avoid the Ticking Tax Bomb. Schedule an appointment and download the guide! (Sorry! This link was active when this episode was first published in 2019 but is no longer an active offer.)


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Jul 7, 2023

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2020. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Meredith Viguers equips Entrepreneurs to break through their limiting beliefs and develop the right team to put systems in place that allow them to grow more profitably with less of their own time.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Let go of the thought that someone else has to do everything the way that you do - it's a freeing thing. And understand that by building the right team your business can thrive - and often you will find better ways to grow your business.

2. You can be open to growth after you accept the responsibility, and after you are willing to let go of a known good for a potentially great unknown.

3. As an entrepreneur, if you are willing to change your mind, develop your people, and get out of the way, you can have a massively successful business using less of your time.

Meredith's Website -  Download your FREE PDF from Meredith: The 5 Mind-Blowing Mistakes That Small Businesses Make While Hiring. (Sorry! This link was active when this episode was first published in 2019 but is no longer an active offer.)


HubSpot HubSpot’s AI- powered tools are changing the way you create content and communicate with your customers! Find out more about how to use AI to grow your business at

Aiper Seagull Pro is Aiper’s most advanced cordless, robotic pool cleaner and is available right now for $899.99 at Use code EOFire200 at checkout for $200 off

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